Sunday, February 27, 2011


It has been such a busy few months. I thought that after Christmas things would settle down a bit, but boy was I wrong. We started a remodeling project for the whole house. So far, we have got the living room, kitchen, kids room, and half of the bathroom done. I am optimistic that we will finish by the end of this coming week. It looks amazing so far, a real turn around. We have lived here for almost 5 years, so it was definitely due.

School is going great. It adds to our load, but once this project is done, we can focus on school and our boys. Speaking of our boys, they are doing so great, (besides the newly developed attitudes). Gage is reading, and Max is starting to learn his letters and numbers. Their minds are like sponges. David and I are better than ever. He is my best friend and soul mate. It took a long time of maturing on both of our parts to get here, but I am so lucky and grateful. May 1st we will have been together 7 years. That thought just brightens my day. :)

So, all in all, everything is going great. I am ready to get this remodeling done and having a great time in school. My father and step-mother were supposed to come over for a visit today and to pick up the cupcakes I made them. I haven't received a phone call or anything. I hope they didn't stand up my boys. Oh well, worse has happened, lol. Time to get working on my English II paper.