Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Moving along nicely

The semester is finally over. I have a couple weeks before summer classes start, so I better get to relaxing. David and John are starting the process of getting our vehicles fixed and legal. This summer we are registering Gage for Kindergarten, even though I believe that he could skip and go to 1st grade. He is well above his age level, and I hope he doesn't get bored. This fall I will be going full time to college for my last semester, and David will take one class while carting Gage to and from school, and taking care of Max. I graduate with an Associates of Psychology in December, and next May I graduate with an Associates of Sociology. All before Max goes to school. Then I will take a break, and once Max starts kindergarten Fall 2012, I will go back to work. My main goal from then on, will be to put David through the engineering program at UTA for 2 years, so he can make a 6 figure salary and put me through grad school eventually. Things just seem to be moving along very smoothly, and I am so grateful for that. I will have to keep myself busy during this mini-break. I am so used to being too busy, lol. I am so excited for graduation and the grad party, but I am even more excited for next May when I receive my SECOND degree. :D It took me awhile, but it's worth it. It's a good start. David and I are doing better than ever, and our angels are learning so much, and are very well-behaved. I love my life!