I am on-the-edge-of-my-seat excited! One semester left and I get my first two degrees. I guess it's just starting to hit me. I recently started looking for volunteer positions, but ultimately decided to just apply to Terrell State Hospital after graduation. David would rather me not work unless I absolutely want to, and I do. Both of my angels will be in school, which will make things easier on me. I hope that I won't be overqualified for the Psychiatric Nursing Assistant position, since they only require a high school diploma. I will be exempt from their application test because I have well over 12 credit hours in college. All I have to do is get through the Fall semester, and I will then start a new chapter in my life.
As with any new beginning, I am nervous, but the idea of being a quarter of the way through my college career is appeasing. The experience I receive from working at a State hospital will not only look great on a future resume`, but it might help me decide on a specialty. I have yet to make up my mind about which field of pscyhology I want to pursue. Being a therapist is a strong possibility, but forensic psychology interests me too. Either way, it is going to take a Doctorate to get the results I want, and I am up for the challenge. One step at a time, because I am willing to be patient and work hard in order to achieve my goals in life. I refuse to wake up middle-aged and wonder where things went wrong. Hard work now will pay off big time in the future.