Saturday, November 27, 2010

An Abomination

I have a Sociology final coming up and one of the questions is pertaining to this disturbing documentary. I watched part one through three of twelve parts. I stopped at the segment where "What a Wonderful World" is playing in the background and dismemberment is being shown. I have seen a couple of Michael Moore's documentaries, but this one tops the cake. He has such a distorted negative view of America that I question his residence here. It takes a complete moron to ask the minuscule questions that he asks. He portrays Americans as this stomach-curdling, violence prone, uneducated group of people. That is simply not true. You can't take a small group of people and say that most of America is the same. Moore makes references to actual events and people, but blows the severity and meanings out of proportion. I do not recommend wasting precious time watching his appalling documentaries. They are obviously meant for entertainment purposes only, and not geared at equality, justice, or truth. I will do my research somewhere else, and explain to my Sociology professor that if he wants his lectures to be centered around an egomaniac with distorted views, then he will have to accept the fact that I will get my answers from other resources.

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