Sunday, September 26, 2010


I am definitely getting into the holiday spirit already. My big brother is coming home soon, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years! I have been so anxious for JL to come home. I miss him terribly! He is going to have a family to come home to, and it will mean the world to all of us. My family will go from 4 to 5, and that is just fine. I will still be the only girl besides Bayla our Gassy doberman. And that's just fine too.

I am not having my annual Christmas party this year, partly because it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. But, this year I am having Thanksgiving at my house and I CAN'T WAIT! Yay! I have so much to do to prepare, but that's the best part. I am going to cook a huge incredible meal for everyone and hang out with the family. The one difference will be the absence of my father. That is close to being the best part. No nagging or criticism about my house or food or company. Thank goodness.

Not everyone I want to be there will, but if at least a few people show up for Thanksgiving I will be happy. Next year will hopefully be the year I get to see most of my family at my graduation. That will be one of the best days of my life. Since David changed his degree plan back, I will be the only one graduating next year, then it is off to work. But it works out because he will be in the audience cheering me on with the rest of my family. :D

I love this time of year!

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