Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor day was great!

Winding down from a long day with our friend John and my hubby and my baby boys. We went on the lake in John's boat. Got some fishing, swimming, and lounging in. We are all sunburned and exhausted. It was so much fun to let lose and have a good time. We spent all day out on the lake and then went out to dinner. I am the only one who didn't wear sunscreen, lol. Not the smartest, ha ha.

We also spotted some cars for sale that were reasonably priced. I hope they are still there in 2 weeks. they should be. It will be very nice to have a second vehicle. The guys are working on the van some more this week. All I have to do is cook for them, lol. Something I am used to and don't mind doing.

School starts back up tomorrow. I am definitely not looking forward to getting up so early after sleeping in all weekend. At least I only have one night class this week. :)

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